воскресенье, 24 июня 2012 г.

Blanche Blanche Blanche- Wink With Both Eyes LP - Night people 2012

Blanche Blanche Blanche- Wink With Both Eyes LP

Somehow this reminded Anne Laplantine music mixed with shiny post-punk from 80s. No doubt, you can count on this music when you are leaving in a long trip... You know that, pal, long trip yes... You can definitely count on this music crashing up the mix for an evening outburst with 2beers and 2muchachos at the door. You can count on this music when writing a dissertation on a medieval music. Do not stab the floor though with your fucking stick. Be Wagnerish. Turn to the orchestra and fly. Awesome and sincere dance music.
Buy from Night People.

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